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Webáruház cikkszám: 1000339820

Gyártói cikkszám: 1036454

2 év garancia

Plants vs. Zombies Battle for Neighborville - Win - Hungarian, Czech, Slovak Welcome to Neighborville, where all is well. Except that a crazy new coniferous conflict between brain-less and botanicals is brewing! What are you gonna do - call the crops? Soil your plants? It's time to kick some grass in the wackiest shooter experience between plants and zombies yet: Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville . Venture to the outer edges of Neighborville in three free-roam regions, crazy maps,...

Bővebb leírás

8 760 Ft

ár online rendeléssel

Nettó ár: 6 898 Ft

+ 87 hűségpont


Külső raktárról
Elérhető: 3 munkanap

Utolsó frissítés: 2024-07-22 04:28:37

Kiszállítás: 2024-07-26


1 490 Ft

GLS csomagpont

1 490 Ft


Kiszállítás: 2024-08-15


3 990 Ft



Plants vs. Zombies Battle for Neighborville - Win - Hungarian, Czech, Slovak

Welcome to Neighborville, where all is well. Except that a crazy new coniferous conflict between brain-less and botanicals is brewing! What are you gonna do - call the crops? Soil your plants? It's time to kick some grass in the wackiest shooter experience between plants and zombies yet: Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville .
Venture to the outer edges of Neighborville in three free-roam regions, crazy maps, and more. Discover Neighborville's newest residents and favorite heroes. Experience the unbeleafable thrills of combat in six online multiplayer modes, including the new 4v4 Battle Arena.

Termék előnyei
- Online multiplayerReady the Juice Cannons and prepare for battle in six online multiplayer modes, including intense 4v4 Battle Arena in the Funderdome. Plus, you can join forces with your favorite people and experience split-screen couch co-op in every mode.Explore NeighborvilleThe battle is blooming with Ops mode and three free-roam regions. Squad up with up to three friends in the Giddy Park social region and take back Weirding Woods, Mount Steep, and Neighborville Town Center.Masterful minglingJump into Giddy Park from Dave Manor or Zomboss HQ and squad up or battle it out with friends in this social region. Head to the shooting gallery, ride the Ferris wheel, tickle the keys on the giant piano, or dive straight into combat.Customize every characterThe age-old battle between plants and zombies is about to get personal with 20 fully customizable character classes. Play as new plant characters, including mysterious Night Cap, fiery Snapdragon, and team players Oak and Acorn, in addition to original favorites. On the zombie side, choose between classic fun-dead characters or new brain biters - gnaw-rly 80s Action Hero, boogie-bolting Electric Slide, or team player Space Cadet. Deck each character out in the wildest customizations yet and even put your stamp on success with custom Victory Slabs for every vanquish. Boom!

Általános adatok
- Genre: Third-person shooter
- Platform: Windows
- Language: Hungarian, Czech, Slovak

- Multiplayer: Internet
- ESRB Rating: Everyone 10 and older (10+)
- ESRB Content Descriptors: Comic mischief, fantasy violence
- PEGI Rating: 7
- PEGI Content Descriptors: Violence, in-game purchases
- Australian Government Rating: Parental Guidance (PG)
- Publisher: Electronic Arts
- Developer: PopCap Games


Webáruház cikkszám1000339820
GyártóEA Games
Gyártói cikkszám1036454
Garancia2 év
Súly (kg)0.1
Népszerű, kedvencKonzol


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