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Webáruház cikkszám: 1000339842

Gyártói cikkszám: 1026516

2 év garancia

Mirror's Edge Catalyst - PlayStation 4 The Collector's Edition was made to help foster player's affinity with heroine, Faith, as she grows up and makes a stand against oppression, represented by a beautiful adult and young Faith real life diorama. Players can also join Faith's fight as part of the runner's group in the city of Glass with temporary tattoos, or go behind-the-scenes to see more about the game's creation through concept art and an exclusive lithograph. Termék előnyei -...

Bővebb leírás

12 560 Ft

ár online rendeléssel

Nettó ár: 9 890 Ft

+ 125 hűségpont


Külső raktárról
Elérhető: 3 munkanap

Utolsó frissítés: 2024-07-22 04:28:37

Kiszállítás: 2024-07-26


1 490 Ft

GLS csomagpont

1 490 Ft


Kiszállítás: 2024-08-15


3 990 Ft



Mirror's Edge Catalyst - PlayStation 4

The Collector's Edition was made to help foster player's affinity with heroine, Faith, as she grows up and makes a stand against oppression, represented by a beautiful adult and young Faith real life diorama. Players can also join Faith's fight as part of the runner's group in the city of Glass with temporary tattoos, or go behind-the-scenes to see more about the game's creation through concept art and an exclusive lithograph.

Termék előnyei
- First-person actionGet up close with your enemies. Use your freedom of movement and martial arts combat in conjunction with the environment to experience fluid first-person action unlike any other.Explore the City of GlassRoam the beautiful, high-tech city at your own pace, and unlock its many different districts. Run free and explore every corner from the highest, glass made skyscrapers to the hidden underground tunnels.Witness the rise of FaithBrought up on her own on the margin of the totalitarian society, Faith found refuge amongst an outsider group called the Runners. Learn about her origin story, and take part in her journey as she stands up against oppression and becomes the catalyst that can change the City of Glass forever.

Általános adatok
- Genre: Adventure
- Platform: Sony PlayStation 4

- Release Date: 9 June 2016
- Multiplayer: Igen
- ESRB Rating: Rating Pending
- PEGI Rating: 16
- Publisher: Electronic Arts
- Developer: EA Digital Illusions CE


Webáruház cikkszám1000339842
GyártóEA Games
Gyártói cikkszám1026516
Garancia2 év
Súly (kg)0.11
Magasság (mm)122
Szélesség (mm)187
Hossz (mm)60
Népszerű, kedvencKonzol


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